A few weeks ago we had almost an entire week of glorious spring weather — sunshine, mid-seventies temps, the bluest of skies, flowers blooming. As a native Michigander I’m well aware that such charming weather in early April is just a tease. Everyone knows — and promptly forgets at the first inkling of t-shirt weather — that there’s still weeks of cold, gray and sleet to come so that when the good weather finally does stick around, you feel like you’ve really earned it. Although I’d argue that if you’ve made it through March, which we can all agree is the worst month of winter, without completely losing all hope for better days, you’ve done your time. There’s no need for the extra penance.
I took these photos on a gorgeous Saturday when it was 75 degrees and sunny. On Sunday a cold wind blew in and a hard rain fell and there’s only been a glimpse of the sun ever since. That last gasp of winter is what we call Spring in Michigan.